All partners actively contribute the quality control.
P1: Leads WP Actively contributes to all tasks, specially to:
- 5.2 Project monitoring; deployment and maintenance of the quality control matrix
P2: Actively contributes to the tasks:
- 5.1 Peer-review of URGENT deliverables (hires the external QA officer and arranges peer-review)
- 5.3 QA of staff development, IT deployment & dissemination (arranges peer-review)
P3: Helps with the tasks:
- 5.1 Peer-review of URGENT deliverables
- 5.3 QA of staff development, IT deployment & dissemination
P4-P16: Supports P1&13 in QA at the HEI, provides the data and support to the tasks:
- 5.1 Peer-review of URGENT deliverables
- 5.3 QA of staff development, IT deployment & dissemination